Saturday, January 4, 2014

Changing times

On these changing times, beside the conflicts of men,
this year starts with strong storms and low temperature
at some countries of Northern Hemisphere
and there is heat waves and windy storms
on some countries of Southern Hemisphere.

Perhaps still time to take care of our nature,
listening to the wind and reading all the natural elements:
skies, air, clouds and stars, rivers, seas and oceans,
volcanoes and cracks, deserts and glaciers,
mountains, valleys, and meadows, cliffs and beaches
rocks, plants and animals, everything.

Here is the song of the apple tree than speaks of the wind.
The wind tells us a lot information about the weather.
When the men don't have equipment or media,
Just put a finger in the air and see where the wind is blowing.
You can ask your grandparents explain it,
and sharing these little big treasures.

Also this song serves for the kids
 practice the   simple numbers.

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